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Safeguarding & Prevent Duty – A Guide for Employers

Asset Training is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our learners. As an education provider. the principles and outcomes of our work are based on individual respect, the promotion of human rights, and protection from all types of abuse and neglect, including radicalisation and extremism. Similarly, the employers we work alongside also have a responsibility to the learners they employ. As an employer it is important to understand what safeguarding means to you and your business and what to do if you suspect a learner is subjected to or at risk of being exposed to harm.

Asset Training has a duty to ensure employers, staff and learners recognise their responsibilities by providing appropriate guidance, support and training.

This leaflet is intended to help you understand your responsibilities, how to be vigilant about spotting any signs of harm or potential harm and what to do about It. If your questions are not answered here, please get in touch with us using the contact details provided on the back of this leaflet.

What does Safeguarding mean?

Safeguarding regulations have been around for a while, across a wide range of legislation, but were brought together by the Safeguarding Vulnerable Group Act 2006.

This legislation provides a definition of children and vulnerable adults and sets out the legislative framework measures in place to protect them from harm and provides guidance on how to identity when harm is occurring or likely to occur.

What is the Prevent Duty?

In 2011 the government introduced the Prevent Strategy; this outlines objectives and measures to protect vulnerable people from being drawn in to terrorist or extremist activity and from being exposed to radicalisation. We have a common law duty of care to ensure that the learner is safe at all times. This does not just mean within the work- place, but also means we must be able to identify and act on causes for concern outside of work where appropriate.

Your responsibilities:

  • Understand what is meant by Safeguarding and Prevent Duty and promote the welfare of learners.
  • Be aware of your statutory duties regarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.
  • Provide a safe, supportive environment for learners both on and off site.
  • Identify if there are learners who are suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.
  • Be familiar with our guidance and reporting arrangements.

Why do we need extra arrangements?

It depends on what policies you already have in place, for many employers it is likely that there will be no extra arrangements, all employers must be aware that any learner employed by you and undergoing training with Asset Training ls included in the scope of both Safeguarding and Prevent legislation. We will let you know if there needs to be any extra arrangements for your business.

Why is Safeguarding and Prevent necessary for employed learners?

As providers of government funded training we have a duty to safeguard our learners and take steps that try to ensure the safety of our learners (children or vulnerable adults) at all times, whether that be In a classroom or workplace environment

As part of that duty, we offer you guidance as to what you can do to ensure that learners are not exposed to threats or dangers. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure employees working alongside learners are free from convictions and of sound character and judgement and will not pose a threat or danger to learners.

Further information can be found here.

Our main priority is to protect learners from harm.

What types of harm are covered by the terms Safeguarding & Prevent?

  • Physical
  • Emotional or Psychological
  • Neglect
  • Sexual Abuse or Exploitation
  • Financial Exploitation
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Grooming
  • Radicalisation

Indication of harm could be:

  • Wariness and distrust
  • Inconsistent explanation of injuries
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Suicidal feelings or attempts at suicide
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Being withdrawn
  • Reluctance to go home
  • Downloading or promotion of extremist content
  • Becoming more argumentative/domineering in their viewpoints
  • Questioning own faith and identity

Factors contributing to harm could be:

  • Isolation and lack of family support
  • Stress
  • Care of a family member
  • Drug and alcohol problems
  • Low self esteem and self confidence issues
  • Bad childhood experiences
  • Identity Crisis
  • A need of adventure or excitement

What do we do if harm or danger is suspected?

Employees working closely with young or vulnerable learners should be alert to the possibilities of harm in or out of the workplace It Is the duty of staff to INFORM not to investigate or offer advice, this is the role of the Designated Safeguarding Person, who will decide whether to involve a third party such as the Police or Social Services.

If an employer or any staff member, in the course of their work has a learner safeguarding issue brought to their attention, It must be treated as a priority and the Designated Person at Asset Training must be contacted as soon as possible.

Our Designated Officer will then take the advice from the appropriate organisation for the best course of action. Remember the main priority is to protect learners from harm. Serious cases of harm should be reported to either local Police or Social Services who will log the report and make further investigations: our Designated Person will report this on the learner’s behalf if the employer and learner have not done so themselves.

If in doubt contact our Designated Person for advice.

What should I do if a young person or vulnerable adult discloses information?

Listen, stay calm, and don’t judge. Try not to ask questions, do not probe or investigate. However, if you have to ask questions In order to clarify understanding make sure any questions you ask are ‘open ended’. Avoid giving any opinion or offering advice.

Explain that you may need to talk to someone immediately about the situation and don’t promise confidentiality. Reassure the learner, but avoid unnecessary contact. Inform the Designated Person at Asset Training as soon as possible. Maintain confidentiality, do not discuss with others. Record what the young person said using their own words, signing and dating the document. Make sure records are factual and do not contain personal bias or opinion.

“This legislation provides definitions of children and vulnerable adults, and sets out the legislative framework of measures to protect them from harm.”

Support from Asset Training

Asset Training has developed a number of policies to protect learners and staff. These include:

  • A Safeguarding Policy to guide staff on how to be Vigilant about spotting any signs of harm or potential harm and what to do about it.
  • A Health and Safety Policy to help ensure that learners are protected and looked after in their workplace.
  • An Equality and Diversity Policy to ensure learners are treated fairly and appropriately in the workplace
  • An E-Safety Policy to provide safeguards and raise awareness to enable learners to control their online experiences.

Training Sessions

Asset Training holds training sessions for our staff to keep them up to date on legislation and on all of the above policies. We offer in house training and awareness for learners and employees on Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity and keeping safe.

Please contact Asset Training if you wish to discuss any training needs for your business relating to any areas within this document.

Further Information

Designated Safeguarding Person: Stacey Hurley
Telephone: 07963322465

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